
Your next software strategy

The top blue-chip companies today are chasing after managers with a firm grip on lean. This helps in optimizing the use of the available resource through strategic deployment. It is basically common sense being put to good use. The recruitment strategies of all top players have always been designed on similar lines. Hiring the right[…]

tech-partner, technology partner, value edge solutions, ves

Who is your Technology Partner?

As we usher in an age of automation, a revolution of industries 4.0, we have crossed the threshold of segregated industry sectors and evolved into being entities in the larger technology space. Whatever the field of operations, technology is the only constant determinant of success in the markets of tomorrow. Our day-to-day communications and operations[…]

android app development

8 Best Practices for Android App Development to be a Sure Shot Success

With its spectacular rise all around the globe, Android needs no proof to showcase its ever increasing popularity and the very fact that Android users have no issues in finding any type of app that they need. You name it, it is there. The popularity of Android has grown leaps and bounds, owing to which[…]

Cross Platform Mobile App Development - Valueedge solutions

Cross Platform Mobile Apps Development Tools –Opt for the Apt One

In this ever increasing ‘mobile friendly’ world, gone are those days when enterprises functioned only on single platforms and underwent mobile apps development. The world is now moving towards multiple platforms wherein it can support phones, tabs, smart watches, IoT devices and much more. Hence, arises the need of this novel concept ‘Cross Platform Mobile[…]

Android App Development- Valueedge solutions

Android App Development – The Need for Today

“Android” – the name, the brand is selling like hot cakes since years now and continues to rule our daily lives. You would hardly find people moving around without their Android devices. No wonder, with the exponentially rising demand for Android devices, there is an equal steep in the demand of Android App Development in[…]

Android Apps Development

World of Android Application Development by Value Edge Solutions (VES)

Android Application Development provides countless possibilities to fulfil infinite dreams, which provides incredible shape to mobile technology towards easy human living. Android is not just an operating system based on Linux Kernel developed by some people or introduced by a well-known company “Google Corporation” but it is a tremendous platform made for smart mobile device like Smartphones, tablets &[…]